Sunday, July 19, 2009

People Ponderings: Nikola Tesla

Geniuses are always fascinating to read about. Their single minded focus on their goals leaves them open to ridicule and exploitation for their foibles, quirks and general disregard for the practical elements of life, especially finances.

I can pretty unreservedly say that Nikola Tesla enlightened the modern era. He gave us alternating current power, modern radio, radar, neon and flourescent lighting, remote control and almost it is believed universal free energy.

While most of his inventions, as is the modus operandi of capitalist imperialism, were turned to violence, war and monetary gain, Tesla himself forsaw and pursued a world of peace and enlightened mankind. He sought to lift the burdens of humanity and bring a new era of abundance and joy to all peoples.

Seeing the coming of World War II he sought to create a device that would make any country, regardless of size, safe within its own borders. It was rejected as was his device to create an ionosphere of unlimited energy for free use for every person of every nation.

Tesla was an inventor, scientist and engineer of the highest order. A veritable Superman!
He left us with a multitude of modern technologies, patents and scientific data.

He died leaving no offspring or legatees of his brilliant mind who might have carried on his work. He created fortunes for many money driven men but died penniless.

Ok...rewind that back please....universal free energy?!?!....apparently Tesla was working with resonant frequencies of the earth to potentially transmit unlimited electric power. He also found the same harmonics in the sea, air and space and believed that energy could be transmitted into any of these mediums and then utilised anywhere on the planet I mean WOW! Time to build a lab and do some experiments!

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