Sunday, June 7, 2009

People Ponderings: James Howard Kunstler

Author of "The Long Emergency" as well as a couple of books harshly critical of suburbia namely "The Geography of Nowhere" and "Home From Nowhere.", Kunstler is a verbal samurai carving up notions that technology will save us from ourselves and depleting oil reserves will be solved by friendly bacteria excreting fuel into our cars and civic projects.

His website is and I invite anyone who wants a direct injection of reality straight to a major artery to visit it.

He also has a weekly podcast available at Again strap yourself in, be prepared to make light of disturbing human dysfunction and weep yourself into a world made by hand.

"I believe a lot of people share my feelings about the tragic landscape of highway strips, parking lots, housing tracts, mega-malls, junked cities, and ravaged countryside that makes up the everyday environment where most Americans live and work."
James Howard Kunstler, 'The Geography of Nowhere'.

I have enjoyed Kunstler's rants for over twelve months now and his no nonsense, take no prisoners approach to what I also believe is a massive waste of human potential in the mega over globalisation and suburbination (new word coming soon to a dictionary near you!) of our world, is inspiring in the same way that being chased by a lion lends an extra step to one's gait. Life is absurd and we are now witnessing the slow swaying and suspenseful slow motion collapse of a world built of goo. Be Merry!

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