Sunday, April 12, 2009

Family Fathomings: How to Kick a Football

My eldest boy has joined AusKick, an National Australia Bank sponsored kids footy course that runs over 10 weeks. Their website is

Now I never played AFL myself on any club or school level so my delight in his joining AusKick is twofold as I get the chance to understand why I was always picked last at lunchtime AFL games.

Steps to kick a Drop Punt

1. Hold the ball with your hands on either side of it. (Seems easy enough!)
2. Begin kicking your chosen leg forward (Who chooses? Me? Do I wait for guidance from the captain/coach...?)
2. Guide or drop the football down onto your footy boot laces. (Seems easy enough!)
3. The ball should meet your boot on the upswing of your kick (Ahhh....the heart of the skill!)
4. You follow through with your boot and launch the ball spinning backwards. (Who spins? Me or the ball...?)

Bonus Tips

1. Walking as you kick brings momentum and makes the kick have more depth (go further). (Ok that must be a week 10 thing!)
2. Learn to kick using both feet. (At once...Ok I'm outta here)

Here's a good Youtube clip to demonstrate the technique.

Well, my 7 year old can now kick an AFL ball better than me....wait til we get home...Arm Wrestling time!!

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